As a member of The LDS Church I have learned since I was young Always be prepared. Now my family was not always active and we frequently lived month to month. So preparedness was not really something we did. But as I got older I began to learn more and more about being prepared and the blessings that come from heeding the prophets words. Preparedness is not just something that is for the Zombie Apocalypse or a huge natural disaster. But can be used when life isn’t going our way or during an economic down turn. I have and know families who have used food storage after a job loss or 72 hour kits were used after a fire or flood. President Hinckley gave a talk, If ye are prepared ye shall not fear. After hearing that talk I decided that I would take the 5 topics he suggested and begin to work on those things to have for my family. So today I have compiled blog posts from others to give you the Ultimate Top 10 Emergency Preparedness blog links to help you get prepared! Being prepared for any kind of disaster is so important. Gathering a few everyday items to a central location can make a difference!

These printable’s are a wonderful to print off and put in a binder.

Bug out Bag Printable Lists
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