Keeping your kids healthy is always a chore especially if they attend public school. You dread the day they go back to school after school breaks like summer and holidays. With 4 in school I feel like we are always sick. When I hear of someone in the neighborhood throwing up, high fever or coughing I immediately start giving my kids vitamin C. But today I am going to share some great ways to keep the cold and flu bug out of you house. Now that doesn’t mean you kids won’t get sick, but doing what you can in simple ways never hurts!
Check out these 10 tips to keeping your kids healthy through the school year
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- Stomach flu going around? Grab the Grape Juice! This bug moves fast and furious! As soon as I here of a neighbor kids or classmate throwing up I run to the store for Grape or Cranberry juice. (No cocktail! ONly 100% juice) Studies have shown that Cranberry and Grape Juice have antiviral properties and can help prevent the illness from invading your home! Check out Must Have Mom’s post on keeping the bug away.
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