So for those of you who don’t know, I am a Prepper. I love everything emergency preparedness. As a member of the LDS church I have been taught to save for a rainy day, build my food storage and have a 72 hour kit. I love learning about preparedness. I am kind of nerdy that way. So this year I thought it would be fun to have a gift that can serve a few purposes. Super inexpensive (Under $5), fun for all ages, easy to store and I can use it in my emergency kit..
I love dice games. They are quick and easy and take up no space. And there are son many to choose from. I decided to pick 5 games I thought my kids would like. Printed them and glued them to card stock. I personally had them laminated. They just look prettier. Especially if you are putting them in a 72 hour kit.
Next I made a cute simple drawstring bag the size of my cards. (Or you can just use a Ziploc bag)
Add some dollar store dice. They usually come in a 10 pack. Be sure to check all your dice that they have all the same numbers on them. I have had a set with no 6 and 2 ones on the same dice. I guess that’s why they were at the dollar store.
If you want you could also add a small note book and pencil if you want for scoring.
Here are the games I chose for my family. you can click on the link and print them off your self.
I tried to keep them pretty simple so most my kids could play too.
I added a notepad and pencil to keep track of score. I also added a dry erase marker for the extra games I added below.
For one of my games I used this cute gingerbread from Kinzie Kreations. This one either requires you to laminate and have a dry erase or crayon or have a notebook to draw they gingerbread.
And I printed this one from Fabulous finds. The dice game Ten Thousand. She has it all ready to print.
If you would like more dice games to add to your fun try this website they have loads of dice games
If you are using them in a 72 hour kit, place your notebook in a ziploc bag to keep it away from moisture. Make a drawstring bag for all your stuff and you are ready to go.
My kids are super excited to play these games. I hope yours will too. Do you have any fun deice games your kids love? I would love to hear from you. I would love to add a few to our game bag.
Check out the entire post on my blog
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I love this idea! Totally going to through one or two together this year! Also, I too am a prepardness nerd! Haha that’s stuff for some reason excites me, weirdo I know!
Love the idea. Dice Game 1 and Dice Game 2, are the same is that right.
I fixed it up. There are now 2 different files. Thanks for the heads up.