I love myself some soft hands. So when I did a Sally Hansen nail party (Here) I just had to share my quick and easy, at home spa hands treatment. It’s a little trick I learned while flying around the world as a flight attendant. The air is so dry and as a flight attendant you are washing your hands all the time. It makes for dry, cracked and sometimes painful hands! When your on an airplane you have very limited supplies. You of course have what’s in your bag. Plus snacks and beverages. I am not sure who came up with this Mini spa hands treatment but I am sure glad they did.
Here is what you need:
lemon juice
club soda
your favorite lotion.
Start with 1 teaspoon of sugar in your hands. Add the juice of 1/4 of a lemon.(Be careful if you have cuts on your hands. The lemon juice will burn) Rub your hands together well. Using the sugar to scrub your hands. Both sides. Scrub for about 1 minute.
Rinse off your hands with 1 Cup of Club Soda. It makes you hands bubble!
Rinse the remaining sugar off with warms water.
Dry your hands.
Add your favorite lotion and voile your hands are silky soft. We used Sally Hansen hand creme with Shea butter lotion. It was delightful.
You can also use this on your feet for a pedicure treatment. It feels wonderful.
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