In the past few weeks I have been called to work with our local youth. Each week we hold an activity using the values and teaching of our faith. A few weeks ago our youth group held and activity called “Putting on the Armor of God”. WE decided that this topic was important for all to hear so we teamed up with the boys to make the activity a little more exciting. Here is how it all went down!
We started by announcing the activity was coming up with giving them no clue as to what the activity was. We only said don’t wear your nice clothing. Just stuff you didn’t care about getting dirty.
Next we gathered the supplies we needed.
Duct tape
scissors or box cutters
several bags of water balloons (1 bag per leader)
We gathered boxes for weeks. Check out your local stores for empty boxes they are throwing away. (Lowes or Home Depot work great. the bigger the boxes the better)
Prior to your activity, plan an small obstacle course that your youth will have to get through. We just did yours through the parking lot. Have stations for your leaders to be standing.
When the youth arrive tell them they have 20-30 minutes to make themselves an armor. This is where you youth can get creative and build there armor however they want. They can ask for help or work together but each one needs there own armor using only cardboard and duct tape. They boys will love this part and some of the girls too!
Once time is up take all of them out and line them up. When its time have them go through the obstacle course as fast or as slow as they like. All the while the adversary (leaders) will be trying to pelt them with water balloons, hoses or squirt guns. He who stays the driest wins!
Afterwards we had the youth remove there armor and dispose of it. We met back in the church for a discussion about putting on the whole armor of God and why all the parts of the armor are important right down to the duct tape.
Our youth loved this activity and the message that was shared. A great activity that was fun and had a purpose!
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