Each year for Young Women’s we have a night of celebration, sharing their accomplishment through the year. This year for our night of Excellence we decided to go outside and low key. We used the theme “Seek the Light”. We filled the night with the Light of Christ.
We set up the pavilion with tulle and lights. It was a beautiful back drop for our night.
We decided to focus on our girls accomplishments. We had our graduating Laurels talk and share their testimonies. We talked to each of them about self worth and the importance of sharing their light and seeking others who share their light. We used the talk Be an Example of Light by President Thomas S. Monson.
We had the girls sit down with their parents and choose a one word goal that they can work on. We had the parents write a note to their daughters. A note of joy and accomplishment. Then each of the girls wrote their one word goal on a balloon. We then gave each parent a 36 inch sparkler. The parents held them in an arch and each girl went through the arch and then released their balloon. Before they released the balloon we took a photo. For Christmas we will give them their photo as a reminder of the goal they set.
After releasing the balloons we sang and prayed then had dessert. We had a wonderful night. It was beautiful to be out side as the sun set to see the beauty all around!
One table was set up with gold decor and roses with yummy cupcakes and slush for dessert.
We had a beautiful night. The girls had fun and hopefully took a little something home with them. What are some of your ideas to seek the light and share it with others?
I really like your ideas. Please send me some more ideas.